miércoles, 14 de marzo de 2012

Grammar exercises

1. Complete the sentences with SO or BECAUSE
a. I lost the exam  _____  I didn't study.
b. I was busy _____ I didn't the homework.
c. there aren't pink laptops ______ I bought a blue laptop.
d. I'm clumsy ______ I spilled some chocolate on my pants. 
2. complete with WILL or GOING TO
a. I have already prepared, we ________ go to Europe next month 
b. where are you ________ go next weekend?
c. they're _____ play football
d. I think which I ______ pass the exam
 3. Complete with the correct NEGATIVE PREFIX 
a. __ dependent
b. __  lucky
c. __ appear
d. __ polite
e. __ popular
f. __ fashionable
g. __ agree
h. __ legal
i. __ mature
j. __ healthy
k. __ patient
l. __ comfortable
m. __ like 

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